What kind of jobs can I get with a CELTA certificate?

What kind of jobs can I get with CELTA certificate


Hello guys! I’m back once more after a brief holiday break and this is Steve…and as always I’ve got a question from a reader about CELTA courses and CELTA qualifications!

So without further ado, let’s get right into it.

So I was asked recently by Amr:

What kind of job can I get with a CELTA certificate?

OK, so before we start, there’s lots of different aspects to consider here and I’ll go through each one of them in detail but we’re going to have to think about:

  • who is a native speaker or non-native speaker
  • visas and nationality
  • different ways or different sites to look for jobs at different times of year
  • and when recruitment happens.

CELTA Jobs for Native Speakers vs Non-Native Speakers

So, let’s start off then with native speakers. I am from the UK. I am a native speaker of English and simply because of that, more English language teaching jobs are available to me.

I’ve seen this on many websites where they say tha for work visas, if you want to work in a different country to your own that is, are only given to native speakers of English so that is something to certainly consider…

But before I go on I should say that this doesn’t mean that you can’t work abroad if you are a non-native speaker of English.

I’ve seen lots of people in the CELTA group I’m a member of on Facebook talking about being non-native speakers working in China, for example.

And China is a good example because there is such huge demand at the moment that…it seems that they are taking on people although it’s not as easy as it is for non-native speakers.

In fact, I think you might more likely have to be in the country already to get the job. But, you know, things are possible. Don’t give up just from that alone!

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Visas for CELTA Teaching Jobs

Another thing is for visas. A lot of people I’ve been speaking to, people for example from places like Algeria, Libya, Egypt who want to work in Europe.

Now this is quite complicated because for Europe, you need to be an EU citizen almost always to get a job here unless you can somehow get in.

I can’t advise you on visas but really you need to have a look on the job websites and see if they can help with visas and so on. It is hard – I know because my wife is Indonesian. I had to go through a visa process with her and it’s a very expensive, lengthy process and you almost need a family member in the country.

So before you go, if you’re looking to go and work in another country, make sure you check out all the rules or restrictions for visa or nationality because it’s a major aspect and it could be a huge obstacle.

So, definitely have a look at [visa restrictions] before you get to intent on a certain place or country.

Checking What post-CELTA Jobs are Available to You Online

Now one of the best ways to have a look at what is on offer is through an online website because that way you can have a look before taking a course or before applying for jobs.

And the one that I’ve used that I’m not affiliated in any way to get paid for saying this but it is tefl.com and I got my first three jobs there.

The nice thing about it is that it shows the user [what] experience is needed before you even click into the job. It’s got a lot of

It’s got a lot of job ads. It also shows the requirements for being native speaker and also who can be given work visas and permits so it gives you a lot of the info upfront.

What I would suggest is start googling the kind of places you want to work for see what their job description shows you, and although it sounds quite obvious but not a lot of people are doing it.

They just google ‘job with CELTA’, but have a look at the type of place you imagine you would like to work first and then have a look at what the specific job expects.

Look for CELTA Jobs At the Right Time of Year

Another point is, [and] I keep giving the example of Europe because that’s where I’ve worked most often, is the time of year for looking for jobs is also key because there may not be many jobs available in Europe at the moment [October!].

That’s because [in] most of the [countries], the academic or the school year’s really just started. So, most teachers will be in positions already.

Recruitment happens largely over early summer or mid-summer. There are some later but most jobs are going to be around that time so definitely have a look at the right time of year.

I would say six months before the start of the next academic year in your chosen destination is the best time to look [for jobs] because the schools really want to be ahead of things and start looking early.

You can imagine, [schools] do not want to start an academic year without having all [the] teachers.

Set Your Expectations With Your CELTA

And the other thing to say is Celta is largely an entry-level qualification.

So, I would not expect you to be able to get a really really high-level job with a CELTA alone.

However,…your other experience in teaching and previous jobs can be a factor in this.

So don’t discount that but if you want to for example in the future work for a university if you have a look at jobs.ac.uk for UK universities as an example.

That has lots of job adverts for English for academic purposes tutors, or EAP tutors, which is what most English language teachers in universities are.

In fact, that’s what my current job is! [Universites] ask for an MA TEFL or a DELTA or equivalent.

So there’s a lot of higher levels to go up but the CELTA can certainly be a way in for many people and it’s just something you need to have

[In summary,] look at your circumstances and stay positive and ask lots of questions. Try and find other people who’ve done it. Hope that was useful and I will talk to you guys soon.

Hope that was useful and I will talk to you guys soon!

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Stephen Beale

After taking the CELTA back in 2007, I have since gained over 11 years' experience of teaching English in various countries. I have also worked in EAP for several years and like sharing what I've learnt along the way here.

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