CELTA Courses in Australia: New South Wales

celta courses in australia new south wales

Our commitment to the delivery of quality English language programmes and TESOL teacher training is central to our goal of raising the standards of English language teaching worldwide.

See below for further details!

International House Sydney (AU057)

Quote from their website:

English language teaching at International House Sydney is based on Communicative Language Teaching methodology. The central principles that surround this approach to language teaching are based on students being very active and engaged in the classroom.

Apply for CELTA Courses in NSW Australia

Links below are to forms from the IH NSW Australia official site, the only place currently offering CELTA courses in NSW Australia!

Document to download:

General Course Details: http://ihsydney.com.au/teach-english/cambridge-celta/

Available Reviews: 

Lexis TESOL Training Centres Byron Bay (LTTC Byron Bay) (AU223)

Quote from their website:

Participants must be open to new ideas and techniques while also being reflective and supportive. It is crucial that trainees are committed to functioning as a team.

General Course Details: http://www.lexistesoltraining.com/enrol/courses/celta/
Available Reviews:

UTS: INSEARCH (University of Technology Sydney) (AU018)

Quote from their website:

Learn to teach English at UTS:INSEARCH. Teach English in institutions worldwide, as well as providing a pathway to postgraduate TESOL programs at UTS.

Document to download:

General Course Details: https://www.insearch.edu.au/Courses/Teacher-Training
Available Reviews: https://www.facebook.com/UTSInsearchFan/

What else is there to do when studying on a CELTA Course in NSW Australia?

Have you, or friends, taken the CELTA Course in New South Wales, Australia?

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  • Would you recommend it?
  • Was it a good place to study?

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